Our projects

We collaborate with stakeholders and industry partners to drive research projects, subsequent adoption and uptake, whilst fostering innovation and creating opportunities for the agricultural community to learn, grow, invest and connect. Explore the projects that we currently have underway across the business.

Current Projects

pasture seeds

Testing and understanding herbicide resistance in weeds of importance in pasture seed production

The University of Adelaide

February 2023 - December 2023

pasture seeds

Increasing yield potential of Tasmanian white clover seed production crops

Tasmanian Seed Industry Group Inc.

August 2022 - December 2025

pasture seeds

Understanding and developing a response to bluegreen aphid resistance to chemical controls

Cesar Pty Ltd

August 2022 - June 2025

pasture seeds

Building new technologies for sustainable and profitable sub clover seed harvesting

University of Western Australia

June 2022 - May 2025

pasture seeds

Lucerne Variety Trial – Assess optimum plant stress levels for seed production

Lucerne Australia Inc.

May 2018 - October 2023

Past Projects

pasture seeds

The Australian crop mirid: An emerging pest in lucerne seed production systems in South Australia.

Lucerne Australia Inc.

November 2022 - September 2023

pasture seeds

Lucerne Australia capacity building study tour

Lucerne Australia Inc.

June 2022 - August 2022

pasture seeds

Herbicide resistance in lucerne seed production systems in the south east regions of South Australia

Lucerne Australia Inc.

October 2021 - June 2023

pasture seeds

Lucerne Australia executive and member capacity building program

Lucerne Australia Inc.

April 2021 - June 2021

pasture seeds

Future options for the control of the RLEM earth mite in Australian Pasture Seed

Cesar Pty Ltd

January 2021 - November 2023

pasture seeds

Understanding Blue Green Aphid Resistance in the Pasture Seeds Industry

Cesar Pty Ltd

December 2021 - November 2022

pasture seeds

Quantitative DNA tests for lucerne seed wasp and associated parasitoid wasps

The University of Adelaide (PIRSA/SARDI)

July 2020 - September 2023

pasture seeds

Australian Pasture Seed Genebank 2019-2021

Department of Primary Industries and Regions

June 2019 - December 2023

pasture seeds

Profitable and environmentally sustainable sub clover and medic seed harvesting

University of Western Australia

September 2018 - April 2022

pasture seeds

Siriver – producing lucerne breeders seed

Lucerne Australia Inc.

June 2017 - May 2020

pasture seeds

Ensuring Lucerne seed production in the absence of bees

University of Western Australia

May 2017 - October 2021

pasture seeds

Towards a sustainable Australian temperate pasture legume planting seed market

SGA Solutions Pty Ltd

April 2015 - January 2016