The effect of coffee cherry maturity on taste

Peasley Horticultural Services

  • Project code: PRJ-004687

  • Project stage: Closed

  • Project start date: Friday, June 19, 2009

  • Project completion date: Monday, May 31, 2010

  • National Priority: NEPI-Industry building and connectivity


This project will investigate the physical, objective quality of the dry green bean and the roasted product and the liquoring quality or taste using internationally recognized parameters and classification systems. A range of maturity stages of the coffee cherry (green, semi coloured, prime, past prime purple and over ripe naturals) will be harvested and processed separately through to the dry green bean (DGB) stage using commercial processing equipment. These DGB samples will be dispatched to a coffee quality testing facility accredited under the Australian Specialty Coffee Association. Internationally accepted roasting standards and tasting procedures will then determine the flavour characteristics of each of the samples.

The distinctive flavour characteristics of each of the maturity stages will then be used to determine the optimum combination of coffee cherry maturity stages for achieving to highest quality product from subtropical coffee.


New and Emerging Plant Industries

Research Organisation

Peasley Horticultural Services

Objective Summary

• To determine the optimum flavour profile for the market place for Australian subtropical coffee.
• To determine the quality characteristics of a range of maturities of coffee cherry and how each stage affects the quality of the end product.
• From these trials, determine the amount of each maturity stage which is acceptable in the harvested field sample. This will assist in the scheduling of harvesting dates and the setting of the harvester shaker mechanism.