The Australian Native Seed Industry Review
Australian Network for Plant Conservation Inc.
Project code: PRJ-010681
Project stage: Closed
Project start date: Friday, July 1, 2016
Project completion date: Friday, March 31, 2017
National Priority: NEPI-Feasibility studies and industry literature reviews
To undertake an Australian Native Seed Industry Review to better understand and address the issues that contribute to these less-than-ideal environmental outcomes.
The review would be undertaken as an integrated project composed of two parts:
1. An on-line, sector wide, survey reaching of all parties involved in the native seed industry and,
2. The undertaking of a national workshop at the Australian Network for Plant Conservation (ANPC) National Conference (Melbourne 2016).
New and Emerging Plant Industries
Research Organisation
Australian Network for Plant Conservation Inc.
Objective Summary
The project will deliver:
• Online survey;
• National Conference Workshop;
• Summarised industry survey results (November 2016);
• Workshop and industry survey report and recommendations (March 2017).
RIRDC will be acknowledged by conference organisers as a Silver Sponsor. This will entail promotion in all pre-conference material and at the conference itself.