Investigating control options for Myrtle rust in native foods
North East Agricultural Services
Project code: PRJ-007240
Project stage: Closed
Project start date: Monday, September 19, 2011
Project completion date: Sunday, March 30, 2014
National Priority: NEPI-Industry building and connectivity
The project aims to determine the most effective control mechanisms for myrtle rust in commercial backhousia, syzygium and melaleuca plantations.
Firstly, a study of the frequency, severity and commercial impacts of myrtle rust infection will be carried out. This will involve an assessment across a number of plantations across the growing region to ascertain the behaviour and impact of the fungus. This will be important in determining the control requirements for plantation production. A monitoring regime will be set up that determines the activity of the rust.
The project will carry out the assessment and field trialling of a number of soft option control methods. The trialling of chemical fungicides will be run concurrently to ensure a viable commercial option is available. This trial is part of another project to determine Minimum Residue Limits for a range of fungicides and will be monitored to assess efficacy through this project.
The stages of the project will be:
1. A field assessment of the myrtle rust outbreak in commercial backhousia, syzygium and melaleuca plantations.
2. Replicated field trials will be implemented across the growing region to assess soft option control methods.
3. Fungicide trials will be set up as part of another project and through this project will be monitored for assessing efficacy of the products. The fungicides are already permitted for use and the best management options need to be determined.
4. A field assessment of the impact of cultural practices on the development of myrtle rust infection and vice versa.
New and Emerging Plant Industries
Research Organisation
North East Agricultural Services
Objective Summary
To enhance production systems and to maintain the competitiveness of lemon myrtle and syzigium producers by:
1. Assessing the impact of myrtle rust on commercial plantations.
2. Identifying and trialling of effective control alternatives for myrtle rust in commercial plantations.
3. Determining the effectiveness of commercial fungicides in controlling myrtle rust in plantations impacted by myrtle rust.