Improving seed sprout food safety: a farm to retail assessment
Minister for Primary Industries and Regional Development acting through the South Australian Research and Development Institute
Project code: PRJ-003302
Project stage: Closed
Project start date: Monday, June 15, 2009
Project completion date: Thursday, December 20, 2012
National Priority: NEPI-Feasibility studies and industry literature reviews
The objectives of this project are to improve the food safety of alfalfa seed sprouts available for sale to consumers and to facilitate the development of the alfalfa seed sprout industry.
A through-chain project across the sprout supply chain will investigate the agricultural practices in growing seeds for sprouting, post harvest treatments, handling, storage and transportation of seed, seed sanitation regimes and seed growing practices to ensure sprouts produced for human consumption are safe.
Information on the Australian sprout seeds supply chain will be obtained through a combination of producer and plant visits.
The major outcomes of this project include:
• Profile of the seed production, cleaning and seed sprout production industries
• Information for industry-led Sector based Code of Practice
• Seed sprout business and industry development risk management through effective and appropriate seed decontamination treatments.
New and Emerging Plant Industries
Research Organisation
Minister for Primary Industries and Regional Development acting through the South Australian Research and Development Institute
Objective Summary
The objective of this project is to improve the food safety of alfalfa seed sprouts available for sale to consumers and to facilitate the development of the seed sprout industry.