Collation of health literature for tropical and exotic fruits and extracts

The State of Queensland acting through the Department of Agriculture and Fisheries

  • Project code: PRJ-006577

  • Project stage: Closed

  • Project start date: Wednesday, August 31, 2011

  • Project completion date: Friday, September 28, 2012

  • National Priority: NEPI-Feasibility studies and industry literature reviews


Increasing sales is a major focus of the tropical and exotic fruits industry. Marketing and promotion may increase sales. A potential avenue for marketing and promotion is through communication of the nutritional and health qualities of Australian grown tropical and exotic fruit. This project aims to,
-summarise and collate the literature data for tropical and exotics (from around the world),
-summarise and collate the specific nutrient and phytochemcial data for Australian grown fruit,and
-compare nutrient and phytochemical content of Australian grown fruit with imported fruit.
This information will then be developed into suitable formats which can be used to promote fruit on their nutrient and phytochemical content, and potential health benefits.


New and Emerging Plant Industries

Research Organisation

The State of Queensland acting through the Department of Agriculture and Fisheries

Objective Summary

•Formulate targeted messages, in a range of suitable formats, to promote the health benefits of consuming Australian grown tropical and exotic fruits
•Demonstrate superior nutrient and phytochemical content of Australian fruit versus imported product.